Hundested-Rørvig Ferry Service
The shortcut to wonderful experiences on both sides of Isefjorden. The Hundested-Rørvig Ferry Service connects North Zealand and Odsherred, and the ferry route across Isefjorden between Hundested and Rørvig is among the most used small ferries in Denmark. The crossing takes 25 minutes, and during the high season, there is a departure every half hour with the two ferries Isefjord and Nakkehage.
As something new, from 2023, we will also sail with two ferries on weekends throughout the summer season (May to September). This means departures every half hour for most of the day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Hundested-Rørvig Ferry Service connects two of the coziest harbor environments in Zealand.
In the two harbors on each side of Isefjord, there are unique opportunities for wonderful experiences.
With Hundested-Rørvig Ferry Service, you can also sail to delightful experiences in North Zealand and Odsherred, such as the Sandskulptur Festival in Hundested or Sommerland Sjælland.

The Booking App
Hundested-Rørvig Færgefart har udviklet en app, så du også kan reserveres plads på færgen, når du er på farten. Den er nem og praktisk at bruge. App’en er kun til pladsreservation for køretøjer – billetten købes i havnen, i billetkontoret eller automaten, hvis du ikke har et flerturskort.
Hundested-Rørvig Ferry Service has developed an app, so you can also make a reservation when you are on the go. It is easy and convenient to use. The app is only for vehicle reservations – tickets can be purchased at the harbor, at the ticket office, or from the machine if you do not have a multi-trip card.
Download it here:

Ticket office in Hundested:
Havnegade 21, 3390 Hundsted
Ticket office in Rørvig:
Toldbodvej 77, 4581 Rørvig
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