The timetable
The departure times for the ferries for the current week can be found in the timetable below.
Seat reservations can be made on Online Booking or by phone: (+45) 47 93 71 50 during office hours.
Blue fields in the timetable indicate that the departure is operated by the ferry Isefjord.
Yellow times are sailed with the ferry Nakkehage.
It is possible to reserve a spot online until the latest available week in the section below.
Download our app
Hundested-Rørvig Færgefart has developed an app for reservations on the ferry while you're on the go.
It is easy and practical to use when you're on the move. The app is only for vehicle reservations – tickets are purchased at the harbor, at the ticket office, or from the machine if you don't have a multiple-ride card.

The openinghours of the Ticket office
Monday - Thursday Closed
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday - Sunday Closed